The Global Positive Impact Stroeous®Awards Winners Announced.
We are delighted to announce the winners of this prestigious Award.
The Stroeous Awards Global Positive Impact Leader of the Year 2021
And the winner is Jacqueline de Rojas CBE.
The Stroeous Awards Global Positive Impact CEO of the Year 2021
And the winner is Mette Lykke
The Stroeous Awards Global Positive Impact Brand of the Year 2021
And the winner is Love Your Doorstep
The Stroeous Awards Global Positive Impact Entrepreneur of the Year 2021
And the winner is Kathryn Parsons MBE
The Stroeous Awards Global Positive impact SME of the Year 2021
And the winner is WeeCare.
The Stroeous Awards Global Positive Impact Start – Up Business of the Year 2021
And the winner is Voi.
The Stroeous Awards Global Positive Impact Family Business of the Year 2021
And the winner is Wykefarms.
The Stroeous Awards Global Positive Impact Fintech of the Year 2021
And the winner is Clear Bank.
The Stroeous Awards Global Positive Impact Good Collaboration of the Year 2021
And the winner is FareShare.
The Stroeous Awards Global Positive Impact Innovative Solution of the Year 2021
And the winner is STEMi Makers Africa
The Stroeous Awards Global Positive Impact Community Project of the Year 2021
And the winner is Notts County Foundation
The Stroeous Awards Global Positive Impact Food Manufacturer of the Year 2021
And the winner is Kerry.
A huge congratulations to all our winners .
The Global Positive Impact Stroeous®Awards Final Nominees.

The Inaugural Global Positive Impact Stroeous®Awards final nominees are announced.
Congratulations to all the finalists. Our virtual awards ceremony will be held on the 16th of July.
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Leader of the Year
Ann Francke OBE
Jacqueline de Rojas CBE
Mette Lykke
Amanda Obidike
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact CEO of the Year
Lindsay Boswell CBE
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Entrepreneur of the Year
Johnny Boufarhat
Kathryn Parsons MBE
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Fintech of the Year
Clear Bank
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Innovative Solution of the Year
STEMi Makers Africa
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Brand of the Year
Notts County FC and Foundation
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact SME of the Year
JC Legal HK
Love Your Doorstep
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Community Project of the Year
Notts County Foundation
Small Acts of Kindness
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Food Manufacturer of the Year
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Family Business of the Year
Hallstein Artesian Water
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Start – Up Business of the Year
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Good Collaboration of the Year
Notts County Foundation and the Great British Children’s Challenge
Despite the COVID-19 challenges, the Stroeous Awards have announced 15 categories to recognise and celebrate those demonstrating relentless commitment to create lasting positive impacts worldwide. We believe we need to celebrate those demonstrating resilience and sustainability.


As we all come to terms with the COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to take this opportunity to share the steps that we are taking during this challenging time.
Our primary concern continues to be the health and safety of colleagues and their families, our business partners and the local communities. All Public Health measures advised are being followed in support of efforts to contain the spread of the virus.
We have taken the decision to postpone our upcoming Stroeous awards ceremony at London Hilton Tower Bridge.
We continue to follow Government guidance and will monitor the situation as it evolves. Further communications about our awards ceremony will be sent as soon as information is known.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your interest in Stroeous Awards and to encourage you all to stay Safe.
We believe this too shall come to pass and we will all pull through and come out stronger.
Tree Planting Initiatives Are Great For Business
Going green at work doesn’t happen overnight, but even small things like having a recycling bin and using paper cups instead of plastic ones can make a big difference.
One of the most successful (and rewarding) ways companies can become more environmentally friendly is by getting involved in a corporate tree planting scheme. Trees are essential for our health and a clean environment, so planting more can be a really positive way for people to get on board with your brand. Research has shown that environmentally conscious customers are more likely to buy from companies that plant trees, so if you’re wanting to appeal to millenials in particular, this is a great way to start.
In late 2019 the UK government launched a £50 million tree planting initiative, which community groups and businesses are invited to get involved in. You can find out more here.
And of course, if you already know of an organisation that’s doing its bit to make the world greener, don’t forget to nominate them for a Stroeous Global Positive Impact award!
Five Technologies That Changed The World

The Stroeous Award for Most Innovative Solution will celebrate technology that brings people together, improves our way of life and makes a lasting impact on the planet. So, to kick things off and give you some ideas about the kind of solutions we’re looking for, here are some of the most groundbreaking inventions that have changed human life for the better.
Corrective Eyeglasses
Before the invention of optical lenses, people with less than 20/20 vision would have been considered to be pretty low down in the food chain and excluded from joining organisations like the army and the police. Way back, those with poor vision would have also been easy pickings for predators, so when French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes invented corrective lenses in the 17th Century it really was a groundbreaking development.
The Internet
Officially invented in 1989 by British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee, the world wide web has revolutionised the way humans communicate. Berners-Lee discovered the internet as part of his scientific research at CERN in Switzerland, and since then the web has expanded beyond his wildest dreams. Although many cite this as the most revolutionary technological breakthrough in centuries, others say that the invention of the telegraph, telephone and radio were more important.
Air Travel
Despite the first tentative hot air balloon flight taking off in the late 1700s, it wasn’t until Wilbur and Orville Wright invented the first ever powered aircraft in 1903 that people really began to appreciate the possibilities of air travel. Since the Wright Brothers flew their first ever aircraft at Kitty Hawk, travelling the globe has become an important part of human life.
Mobile Phones
The first ever mobile phone was introduced by John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973, with a handset that weighed c. 2 kilograms (4.4 lbs). Today, we rely on our mobile phones for everything from communicating with loved ones to working on the go, banking and shopping, and it’s hard to imagine life without them.
Named after its inventor, scientist Louis Pasteur, in the 1880s, pasteurisation has immeasurably changed the way we produce, sell and store food. The process involves foods being treated with heat to eliminate pathogens, destroy harmful organisms and extend shelf life. The process has become an integral part of the dairy industry, enabling farmers to adhere to food safety standards and achieve successful food preservation.
What technological innovation has made a big difference in your life? Do you know of a company that’s changing the world for the better by combining radical thinking with great technology? Nominate for our The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Innovative Solution of the Year now!
How The Finance Industry Can Benefit Communities

Despite the crucial role the finance industry plays in our society – managing risk, providing the ability to purchase homes, supporting entrepreneurship, among other things – banks and other financial institutions are not viewed positively as a whole.
A 2010 survey conducted by The Economist found that 57% of people disagreed with the idea that financial innovation boosts economic growth; a surprising response given the magazine’s target audience. Another survey conducted by the Booth/Kellogg School Financial Trust Index in 2014 concluded that people think the financial system actually hurts the economy, rather than supporting it. As we hear more stories of how global poverty continues to grow, yet just 1% of the population own over half the world’s wealth, society has become increasingly sceptical about banks and what they represent.
However, it is entirely possible for financial institutions to do great good in the world, and many do. Forward thinking companies are addressing the biggest problems in society through new ventures that are not only financially rewarding, but help those who need it the most.
Community banks and credit unions have long been championed as ethical money lenders, but bigger banks are also following suit by offering incentives for social enterprises and charities, along with actively measuring their own social impact.
French International banking group BNP Paribas made the news in 2019 for its Corporate Social Responsibility activities. The company became officially carbon neutral in 2017, no longer invests in tobacco, and has been committed to a zero net deforestation programme. BNP Paribas also runs a number of community initiatives, including a project working in partnership with the UN to support 30,000 female farmers in Senegal. In 2017, The Bank of America was named Euromoney Magazine’s Best Bank for Corporate Social Responsibility, and The Bank of England has announced its commitment to being a socially responsible, sustainable organisation that supports the environment and the community. That’s just three of the big names in banking, and many more are following suit.
As banks everywhere are focusing more on their role in the world and how they can benefit society, we are looking for nominations for the Global Positive Impact Financial Institution of The Year. The award will recognise a financial institution that has continued to grow despite global challenges, and demonstrates a clear commitment to its customers and society as a whole. To find out more, visit https://www.stroeousawards.com/categories/
Calling Innovative Food Producers!
As the first ever Stroeous Awards nominations round is now in full swing, we are looking for food manufacturers who are demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and customer engagement.
In today’s fast paced world we rely heavily on processed, packaged foods that are not only bad for us, but for the world we live in. Among other things, food production contributes to climate change, acid rain, excess phosphorous and nitrogen and the depletion of biodiversity.
The industry also has significant social and economic effects. Despite the prosperity that comes from leading a huge multi-national corporation, those involved in the grass roots stages of food production are often left in poverty. Around three billion people – that’s half the global population – still live on under two dollars a day. While companies rush to meet the demands of an ever growing and more demanding customer base, millions of farmers are still struggling to put food on their own families’ tables.
If we want to protect the future of our children and our planet and create a fairer world, it’s essential that we act now to challenge the way the food industry sources and produces its goods. We believe that all food producers should be given equal rights and the opportunity to build a happy, healthy life for them and their families, which is why Fair Trade is so important to us.
The Stroeous Global Positive Impact Food Manufacturer Of The Year Award will go to a company that is committed to ethical practices. A company that rewards its partners and producers fairly, and contributes to the local and wider community by selling foods that are thoughtfully sourced and good for us and the world around us.
If you would like to nominate a worthy food manufacturer, visit https://www.stroeousawards.com/nomination/
Announcing Our Sports Team of The Year Award
Do you know an amazing sports team dedicated to improving the lives of their local community or supporting the environment?
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Sports Team of the Year Award will recognise a sports team that has demonstrated exceptional performance in sport and is actively contributing to making a lasting positive impact in the lives of people, communities and the environment.
It could be your local under 12’s football club, a local running group or a national sports team – it doesn’t matter how big or small they are, just what they do to help make the world a better place.
Nominations are now open, so help your favourite team find even greater success in 2020!
Leader of The Year: Do You Know a Visionary Leader?
The Stroeous Awards will recognise a leader who is making positive impacts through service, character and leadership. A Leader who recognise the power of people and community in leadership, and is actively interested and involved in positively impacting the lives of people communities and the environment.
This award is an important one, so we’ll be looking for people who make waves in their fields and aren’t afraid to disrupt the way things work in favour of progress. Leaders like Bill Gates, Angela Merkel and Greta Thunberg spring to mind, but the nominations we receive don’t have to be worldwide household names. It could be a Scout Leader, Small business owner or headteacher who’s making a difference in their community – so if you know someone great who motivates and empowers others to make changes, we would love to hear from you.
Awards Ceremony Announced
Our first ever Global Positive Impact Awards will be held at London’s prestigious Hilton Tower Bridge on 10th July. As one of the capital’s best loved and most luxurious hotels, it’s the perfect venue to showcase the incredible talent in today’s business world. If you’re part of company that’s making a big difference in the world, we would love to see you there.
Nominate or contact us about sponsorship opportunities today!
New Categories Announced
We’ve now announced all eleven categories for the inaugural Stroeous Awards. There’s only a few weeks to nominate, so if you know of an amazing organisation who deserves to be recognised, get involved today!
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Leader of the Year
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact CEO of the Year
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Entrepreneur of the Year
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Sports Team of the Year
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Person of the Year
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Financial Institution of the Year
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Innovative Solution of the Year
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Brand of the Year
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact SME of the Year
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Media Organisation of the Year
The Stroeous®Awards Global Positive Impact Food Manufacturer of the Year
How To Make Going Green Part of Your Work Culture

We all know that going green is important for the environment, but no matter how well-intentioned we are, making the effort to reduce our carbon footprints can seem overwhelming. What starts as a positive new behaviour on Monday morning can easily slip by the middle of the week simply because it’s often easier and quicker to do things the not-so-green way. By Friday, we’re back to printing off reams of documents on paper, leaving the lights on and using disposable plastic forks for our lunches.
So, how do we make going green second nature, rather than a chore? It starts with you. All good leaders know that “do as I say, not as I do” is guaranteed to annoy their staff, rather than get them on board. If you’re serious about making your workplace more environmentally friendly, you have to lead by example. Be seen to be green; use paper lunch bags where possible, invest in eco-friendly light bulbs and take the bus or bike into work when you can. Encourage people to get involved in green initiatives and listen to their input. If people feel involved in company decisions, they take ownership of them – making it much easier to create a culture in which everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet.
If you’re looking for a little bit of inspiration to get started, here are some simple steps you can take towards creating a workplace that’s kinder to the environment.
Change to LED light bulbs
LEDs use much less energy than traditional bulbs and last about five times longer. They don’t contain toxic ingredients like mercury or harmful gases either, meaning you’ll have a healthier workforce.
Install a water filtration system
Sure, this will involve an upfront cost, but your employees will love it and you’ll be gaining a lot of CSR brownie points too. Plastic bottles and cups place a huge burden on the environment so this is a big issue we all need to tackle. And with a constant supply of fresh, clean, delicious water, your workforce will be suitably hydrated, too – which also means increased energy, boosted brain power and fewer headaches.
Work with green suppliers
When interviewing prospective partners, ask them about how they approach environmental issues. By working with vendors who engage in green initiatives and use sustainable products, you’ll be doing your bit for the planet too.
Look after your staff
Healthy, energetic people get more done and waste less energy, so encourage healthy eating and ditch the cakes and biscuits for brain food like nuts and fruit. It’s fine to go crazy once in a while, but if you make healthy food the norm you’ll soon find your staff are sharper and more productive – which is great for you, them and better for the environment.
Get involved in a community recycling programme
No matter how hard we try, sometimes even the best of us end up chucking perfectly recyclable items in the nearest rubbish bin instead of walking that little bit further to the green one. There are lots of community recycling programmes around now, so get involved with the one in your area and smash your CSR targets! You can also set up challenges in your office, giving a small prize for the team or individual who recycles the most. Make it fun, and people will naturally want to get involved.
The bottom line? You can’t expect to create a greener workplace unless you get involved yourself. This is not something that can be achieved by just one person; it’s a team effort that requires a little bit of thought and planning, but can easily become part of your daily culture once you’re in the swing of it.
Sponsorship Opportunities Now Available
It’s never been more important to look after the environment. This is your opportunity to show the world you mean business.
As the first ever Stroeous Awards are getting closer, we are seeking sponsors who want to be part of something new and exciting. It may be our first year, but we’ve had lots of positive feedback so far and we know that the business community is looking for new ways to show they care about the world around us. Now’s your chance to shine.
Just this week, it was announced that a new and deadly pandemic is sweeping China, and before long it could reach the rest of the world. At the time of writing, the coronavirus has already claimed 26 lives, with over 830 people reporting to be affected. The World Health Organisation has been warning governments about the rise of new deadly pandemics for years, and climate change is playing an important role in the spread of diseases. As birds migrate to more temperate climates in response to environmental changes, they take viruses with them that can affect every one of us.
While this may sound like we are veering from the subject, it sums up why initiatives like ours are so important. It is our mission to make caring for the environment, and each other, second nature. More now than ever before, we understand the fragility of our planet and we must come together to look after it.
By becoming a sponsor of the Stroeous Awards, you are showing your colleagues, customers, business partners and the wider world that you really care about the future of our planet. And in doing so, you are contributing to a more mindful and caring society that has the power to make a real difference.
Applications for sponsors are open now. Contact us for details!
Press Release
London, January 2020
Making The World a Better Place: Nominations Now Open For New Global Positive Impact Awards Scheme
With ever increasing awareness of the fragility of our planet, trying to make a difference to global warming, inequality and poverty can seem like an overwhelming task. But when we give back to society and the world around us, we create a ripple effect that encourages others to be kinder and more mindful of their impact on people, communities and the environment too. Just one small act of kindness can make a huge difference, which is why Stroeous is launching its first ever Global Positive Impact Awards this month.
The Stroeous®Awards recognise, celebrate, showcase and encourage organisations, teams and individuals who are doing their bit to make the world a better place. It’s a great way for organisations to demonstrate they are going beyond corporate social responsibility and show their dedication to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, but this is about much more than just ticking boxes. It’s been proven time and time again that doing good feels good, and organisations that foster a culture of kindness and togetherness tend to have happier, more productive work forces – and more satisfied customers.
The judging panel will be looking out for nominees who are committed to developing their cultures in a way that benefits society, focusing on social good, sustainability and positive environmental impact. Nominations are welcome for organisations of all types and sizes, from small start-ups and individuals all the way up to large corporations.
The most important factor is not size, but behaviour; how nominees make a difference through excellence of service, commitment to customers, philanthropic activities, ethical practices and environmental sustainability.
There are eleven awards categories for 2020, ranging from Global Positive Impact CEO to Food Manufacturer of the Year. Winners will receive a prestigious Stroeous Trophy, which has been designed to symbolise victory, health, innovation, community and the environment. The Awards ceremony will be held at the luxurious Hilton London Tower Bridge on July 10th – bookings for the ceremony open on April 28th and close on June 19th.
Nominations are free, and close on April 10th. Finalists will be announced on April 27th.
To find out more about the awards categories, nominate a worthy cause or individual, or enquire about sponsorship opportunities, visit https://www.stroeousawards.com/ or Contact Olu Adeniji on +44(0)7487795081 or at oadeniji@stroeousawards.com